Have you ever rescued a plant before?
This poor, little thing looked nothing like it does today. To some, that may not be saying too much especially since you can't see the
before photo.
So you'll just have to take my word for it ...it is 150% better looking today than four months ago.
The price should have been
$1.00 50 cents. Sadly, there was a companion to this one which looked even worse. At $8.00 each ...I decided on only the one. I even tried to talk the lady at the store into selling me both for $8.00. Basically she said no can do. The store would simply give the poor, neglected plants back to nursery from where they came. Most likely, she added, the plants would be put in the trash, but there was nothing she could do. I still can't ...to this day, believe I paid $8 for this plant, but it is so unusual and the fact that it needed saving spoke to me the most of all.
So, so very sad.
At least I managed to get this little guy back to healthy.
It is such a fragile little thing, but yet so very unusual.
It now graces my kitchen so that I can watch over it every day.
Till later,
Joining in at